
If your dietary cheats are piling up, it might be time to think about emptying your “inflammation bucket” at your next backyard cookout. You can beat the heat with turmeric — a functional seasoning known for its’ anti-inflammatory superpowers.

This month’s recipes for our PreCODE and ReCODE members offer brain-healthy, anti-inflammatory options to beat the heat, including Turmeric Tahini Burgers with Mediterranean SaladLemon and Mint Chickpea Salad, and Lemon Pops (recipe below.)

Lemon Pops


There is nothing better than a popsicle on a hot summer day. This is a fun activity you can do with your kids or grandkids or just to please your own inner child. Our recipe is both refreshing and detoxifying. Feel free to experiment by adding other ingredients, like summer berries.

Tip: If your popsicle mold is big enough, include a fresh lemon slice as a beautiful garnish.

Yield: This will vary depending on the size of your mold. 

What You Will Need:
● Popsicle molds – make sure the ones you buy are BPS/BPA free. (You can also use an ice tray with toothpicks.)
● Toothpicks or popsicle sticks

● 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
●  1 cup of filtered water
●  Pure stevia or monk fruit sweeteners, such as SweetLeaf or Pure Monk, to taste

1) In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together.
2) Pour the liquid into an ice cube tray or the popsicle molds and add a lemon slice (optional) as well as toothpicks or sticks.
3) Let the lemon pops freeze overnight.


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