* Currently available in 47 states, excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and New York.

Pioneering Diagnostics to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline

BRAINSCAN is a simple blood test, a brain health check-up that may be the most important test you take this year. It combines three blood tests to help you avoid Alzheimer’s disease by “scanning for it” many years before any problems arise, replacing the need for painful spinal taps and expensive and inaccessible amyloid and tau PET scans to detect Alzheimer’s pathology

BRAINSCAN includes the following blood tests:

  1. p-Tau 217 – a specific biomarker for Alzheimer-related processes, which is both an early warning for avoiding dementia and for tracking disease progression and improvement.
  2. NfL (neurofilament light) – a biomarker that tells us whether there is ongoing damage to our brain cells from vascular disease, head trauma, or any neurodegenerative process. 
  3. GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) – a biomarker of ongoing inflammation and repair in the brain. 

Note: These tests alone do not provide a definitive diagnosis and should be interpreted in conjunction with clinical signs and symptoms.  

High-sensitivity p-tau 217 makes all the difference:


Unlike standard p-tau 217 tests, which do not turn positive until significant symptoms have occurred, high-sensitivity p-tau 217 by Neurocode is more sensitive, and thus is perfect for prevention, treatment, and follow-up for everyone—those who are asymptomatic, those who have SCI, those who have MCI, and those who have dementia.

High-sensitivity p-tau 217 allows us to see Alzheimer’s coming years ahead of time, so that we can all avoid it. This is why we recommend it over all other p-tau 217 tests.

BrainScan is now available in 47 states!

Get BrainScan Now

For a limited time price of $799!*

* Currently available in 47 states, excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and New York.

BrainScan report with pTau 217 results
Dr. Dale Bredesen interview on The People's Pharmacy

Dr. Dale Bredesen

Apollo Health is rewriting the Alzheimer’s story by offering Dr. Dale Bredesen’s protocols directly to consumers. Our successful treatment is the first to demonstrate sustained cognitive improvement in participants. Unlike other options, it also delivers improved overall health as the primary side effect. Imaging has even demonstrated improvements in brain volumetrics and biomarkers. Our peer-reviewed, published success is unprecedented, but we acknowledge that it is in the early stages, and we are constantly working to gather more evidence. Dr. Bredesen is currently conducting a randomized controlled clinical trial with six study sites in the United States.  

Bredesen Seen

Apollo Health Programs

With your BRAINSCAN score as a guide, you now have the power to actively work to optimize your brain health. By using a precision medicine approach that identifies the actual contributors (e.g., inflammation, insulin resistance, nutrient deficiencies, etc.) that are driving your current state of cognition, you can target and address each with a multifactorial approach. Join the thousands who are working to reverse cognitive decline with our ReCODE Program, or prevent dementia with our PreCODE Program. We invite you to become an active participant in your cognitive health.