Become an Apollo Health Certified Coach

Why choose Apollo? We support coaches, physicians, other medical professionals, and lifestyle and nutrition experts by providing dynamic, evolving solutions for cognitive decline, empowering practitioners to prevent and reverse symptoms. Guided by our chief science officer, Dr. Dale Bredesen, we offer the only training program to utilize the PreCODE (prevention) and ReCODE (reversal) software algorithms to use the Bredesen Protocol® and guide participants towards optimal brain health.  

The First Protocol to Reverse Early-Stage Alzheimer’s

The Bredesen Protocol is a personalized program to prevent and reverse cognitive decline associated with subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and early Alzheimer’s disease. Inspired by the science behind the Bredesen Protocol, the study “Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease: Successful Proof-of-Concept Trial” was published in medRXiv, a Yale-backed site for health sciences. The study led by three integrative physicians — Drs. Kat Toups, Ann Hathaway, and Deborah Gordon — along with Dr. Bredesen, took a deeper dive into each of the study participant’s genetics and biomarkers in order to derive the optimal personalized, precision medicine protocol for each. Eighty-four percent of the trial’s participants showed cognitive improvement in this first-of-its-kind study.

Apollo Health’s ReCODE 2.0 for Coaches training will provide the coaching skills needed to support the overall care, using the Bredesen Protocol with the PreCODE and ReCODE Reports. Bredesen protocol coaches are in high demand. The specialized knowledge and expertise provided by Apollo Health will place you in the perfect launching spot to ascend as a leader in the field of coaching individuals and supporting the care team in preventing and reversing cognitive decline.

ReCODE Protocol™ 2.0 Training

We are excited to announce that all the ReCODE Protocol™ 2.0 online training program modules are now available. Anyone can participate in this training, which costs $1,247. However, to become an Apollo Health-certified coach listed in our database, you must have completed a foundational health and wellness coach training program approved by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching or NBHWC (exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis). Click here to check if your training is approved by the NBHWC. We recommend considering the Functional Medicine Coach Academy if you have not completed a board-approved health and wellness coach training program. Apollo Health is a National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) approved Continuing Education Provider and approved for 36 CEUs.

Both current and new coaches who have completed the ReCODE 2.0 training program will receive a special designation in our coach database so that participants will see that you have completed the most recent training program. We will also be introducing a second new designation in the database entitled “Apollo Preferred Coach,” which will be awarded once your credentials have been verified; we have some history on your practice and examples of your success with PreCODE and/or ReCODE. One of the key benefits of becoming a preferred coach is that you will appear on the upcoming public-facing practitioner database, which will appear outside our website’s paywall, enabling you to attract participants who are seeking professionals who are officially using ReCODE and trained in the Bredesen Protocol.

If you have any questions about ReCODE 2.0 Training for coaches, email


Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States

The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) Approved Continuing Education Seal
UK and International Health Coaching Association Approved CPD Course

Course Curriculum

Apollo Health’s ReCODE 2.0 training for coaches curriculum has over 36 hours of content that covers all core components of the Bredesen Protocol. The curriculum was created by Dr. Dale Bredesen and his colleagues that specialize in specific components of the protocol. The coaching curriculum includes core coaching strategies to successfully work with clients who have cognitive decline. In addition to the online course, the training includes monthly live sessions that provide a combination of support for coaches and includes an in-depth exploration of specific topics.

36 hours

10+ Modules

11 Instructors

ReCODE 2.0 ModulesInstructorAvailability
Module 1 – Introduction
  1. Introducing ReCODE, the Bredesen Protocol, and the history
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Introducing ReCODE 2.0 for Coaches
Chris Coward
  1. Scope of Practice
Chris Coward
  1. ReCODE 2.0 for Coaches Live Calls
Module 2 – Background and Science
  1. Introducing the Science
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. State of Alzheimer’s: Paradigm Shift and the Current Standard of Care
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Examples, Case Studies, Papers
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Standard of Care vs 21 st Century Medicine
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Chronic Illness

    1. Master Switch

    2. Roof with 36 holes

    3. 21st century physician

Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Canonical Alzheimer’s Disease

    1. ApoE4 Domain Interaction

    2. The Chimp That Killed the Rhino

    3. ApoE4 Mechanism

    4. ApoE4 vs ApoE3

Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. How Do We Reverse Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s

    1. Basics of Prevention

    2. Alzheimer’s Should be a Rare Disease

    3. Conclusion

Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. What is new for ReCODE 2.0 (since 2017)
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Differential Diagnosis Part 1
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Differential Diagnosis Part 2: Vascular Dementia
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Differential Diagnosis Part 3: CTE
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. The Three R’s of Reversing Cognitive Decline

    1. Removal

    2. Resilience

    3. Rebuilding

Dr. Dale Bredesen
Module 3 – What is a Cognoscopy?
  1. Introduction to a Cognoscopy
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Components of a Cognoscopy
Dr. Dale Bredesen
Module 4 – The Subtypes of Alzheimer’s
  1. The Subtypes of Alzheimer’s
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 1 Inflammatory
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 2 Atrophic
    1. Case Studies

Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 1.5 Glycotoxicity
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 3 Toxic: Characteristics
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 3 Toxic: Case Studies
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 4 Vascular
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Type 5 Traumatic
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Troubleshooting
Dr. Dale Bredesen
Module 5 – Coaching Practices in ReCODE
  1. Mindfulness and Mindful Self-Compassion in the Coach/Client Relationship
Valerie Driscoll
  1. Client Types & Considerations for Coaching this Population
Julie Luby and Joanne Nottage
  1. The ReCODE Care Team and Coaching Models
Julie Luby and Joanne Nottage
  1. Resources and Approaches to Improve Client Outcome
Julie Luby and Joanne Nottage
  1. Group Coaching for PreCODE and ReCODE
Chris Coward
  1. ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting and Light Therapy
    1. ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting
    1. Light Therapy
    1. LiveO2
    1. Resident Results
    1. Final Thoughts of ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting
Dr. Heather Sandison
  1. PreCODE and ReCODE Roundtable Discussion
Module 6 – Practicing ReCODE
  1. Assessments
    1. Ordering assessments

    2. CNS

    3. AQ-21

    4. MoCA

    5. BrainHQ
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. The ReCODE and PreCODE Reports
    1. Introduction

    2. The Index

    3. Personalized Subtypes

    4. Where to Start

    5. The B7
      1. Nutrition

      2. Exercise

      3. Sleep

      4. Stress

      5. Brain Stimulation

      6. Detox

      7. Supplements

    6. Hormone Therapy

    7. Recommended Reading

    8. Introducing the
      ReCODE Mobile App

    9. Results
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. ReCODE Target Ranges
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Supplements
    1. Overview of Supplements

    2. LifeSeasons
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Pathogens
Dr. Dale Bredesen
  1. Blood Biomarkers in Dementia
Dr. Hans Frykman
  1. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
    1. Basic Research
    2. Vascular Health
    3. Clinical Research
    4. Prescribing and Common Issues
    5. Breast Cancer and Hormones
Dr. Ann Hathaway
  1. Environmental Detox and Chemotoxins
    1. Introduction
    2. Cellular Detoxification (optional)
    3. Systemic Drainage (optional)
    4. Liver Pathways & AMPK+ (optional)
    5. NAD+ in Detoxification (optional)
    6. Detoxification Protocols Part 1 (optional)
    7. Detoxification Protocols Part 2 (optional)
    8. Detoxification Protocols Part 3 (optional)
Dr. Chris Shade
  1. Dental and Oral Health
    1. From a Dental Perspective
      1. Introduction Airway and Its Impact On Cognitive Decline
      2. Mercury Toxicity from Amalgams Fillings
Dr. Scott Saunders
    1. Oral Health
      1. Introduction
      2. Oral Bacteria
      3. Oral Bacteria and Arterial Inflammation Part 1
      4. Oral Bacteria and Arterial Inflammation Part 2
      5. Science Behind Oral Bacteria and the Impact on Type 3
      6. Implemented Oral Health Into ReCODE Protocols
      7. Mercury Toxicity from Amalgam Fillings (optional)

Dr. Charles Whitney
  1. Genetics
    1. Alzheimer’s & Cognition Genomics: ApoE
    2. Alzheimer’s & Cognition Genomics: Other Gene Variants
    3. Case Studies Part 1 (optional)
    4. Case Studies Part 2 (optional)
    5. Case Studies Part 3 (optional)
    6. Case Studies Part 4 (optional)
Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen
  1. Sleep Apnea & Hypoventilation
Dr. Ann Hathaway
  1. Biotoxins – Dr. Neil Nathan
    1. Mold
      1. Introduction, Diagnosis, and Treatment

      1. What is Mold Toxicity, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
      1. Testing and Interpreting Results
      1. Treatment, Detoxification, and Interpreting Testing
      1. Testing Your Home for Mold and Using Binders
      1. Mold Toxins in Food, Antifungal Programs, New Approaches, and Pretreatments (optional)
      1. Case Studies and Detoxification (optional)
      1. Starting Points, Troubleshooting, and The Future (optional)
    1. Lyme Disease
      1. Introduction, Types, Ticks, and Making the Diagnosis
      1. Basics, Treatment, Symptoms, Relationship to Alzheimer’s and Conclusion
    1. Mast Cell Activation
Dr. Neil Nathan
  1. Mold Inspection and Remediation
    1. Find
    1. Prove
    1. Remove
    Brian Karr
    1. Volumetrics and MRI
      1. General Overview
      1. Clinical Volumetrics
      1. Clinical Case Studies
      1. Summary
    Dr. Cyrus Raji
    1. ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting and Light Therapy
      1. ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting
      1. Light Therapy
      1. LiveO2
      1. Resident Results
      1. Final Thoughts of ReCODE in a Residential Care Facility Setting
    Dr. Heather Sandison
    Module 7 – The B7 and Components of Implementing the Protocol
    1. Introduction to the B7
    Julie Gregory
    1. Nutrition Overview
      1. Nutrition Overview Part 1
      2. Nutrition Overview Part 2
      3. KetoFLEX 12/3 for Vegans & Vegetarians
      4. Tracking Macronutrient Ratios
      5. How to Use Cronometer
      6. Modifying KetoFLEX 12/3 for the Subtypes
    Julie Gregory
    1. Exercise
    Julie Gregory
    1. Sleep
    Julie Gregory
    1. Stress
    Julie Gregory
    1. Brain Stimulation
    Julie Gregory
    1. Detox
    Julie Gregory
    1. Supplements
    Julie Gregory
    Module 8 – Incorporating ReCODE in Your Practice
    1. Practicing ReCODE First Year of Treatment
      1. Getting Started & The 1st Visit
        1. Getting Started

        2. Template for 1st Visit

        3. Preliminary Assessment

        4. Patient’s Tracking Guide

        5. Labs

        6. Specialty Testing

        7. Toxicity Testing

        8. Mold Evaluations

        9. Other Necessary Testing

        10. Support Team

      1. The 1st Year of Follow-Up
        1. Outlining Visits

    Dr. Ann Hathaway
    1. Technology
      1. Signing up
      2. Practitioner portal
      3. Signing up participants
      4. Content: Town Hall, Practitioner Resources, Forum
      5. Creating a ReCode Report and How to Upload Data
      6. Utilizing and Monitoring Assessments
      7. The Recode Mobile App
    Apollo Health Team
    Module 9 – Establishing a CommunityChris Coward
    Module 10 – ReCODE 2.0 Summary
    1. ReCODE 2.0 Summary
    Dr. Dale Bredesen
    Module 11 – ReCODE 2.0 Final Quiz

    Meet Our Instructors


    Dr. Bredesen

    Chief Science OfficerApollo Health

    Dr Dale Bredesen was the founding President and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and his laboratory research over 30 years has focused on the mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, leading to the first successful reversals of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, published in 2014, 2016, and 2018.

    Dr. Bredesen will be reviewing cognitive assessments, the ReCODE and PreCODE Reports, ReCODE target ranges, supplements, and pathogens in his training modules. View Dr. Bredesen’s full bio here.

    Christine Coward Professional Photo

    Christine “Chris” Coward

    VP of Coaching Services, Apollo Health

    Christine “Chris” Coward, MSW, PCC, NWB-HC, has been coaching since 2004 and is both credentialed with the ICF and the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches.

    She co-created an Accredited Coach Training Program called Habit Change Coach Training, where she has trained and mentored coaches since 2009. Currently, she splits her work time between running the coaching services for Apollo Health and her private Executive Coaching and Leadership Development business. Chris is in her second year as the President of the International Coach Federation (ICF) Colorado and also served on the board of ICF Philadelphia from 2007 to 2009. She lives in Denver, CO, and enjoys playing her bass guitar in local bands and having fun outdoors.

    Valerie Driscoll Professional Photo

    Valerie Driscoll

    Lead Coach and Coaching Program Developer, Apollo Health

    Valerie Driscoll, PCC, NBC-HWC, is a Certified Functional Medicine Coach through the FMCA and a Certified HabitChange Coach through the HabitChange Company. She is a trained teacher of both Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC).

    Through her private practice, the Inner Piece, she teaches classes in mindfulness, brain health, behavioral change, and wellness, while her coaching specializes in helping clients apply mindful strategies in the areas of weight management and related health issues. She is also trained as a mental fitness coach through Positive Intelligence. Valerie lives in Cape May, NJ, where she conducts educational tours for a local winery and enjoys the benefits of living near the ocean and a national birding hotspot.

    Joanne Pappas Nottage Profile Photo

    Joanna Pappas Nottage

    ReCODE Certified Coach, Embrace Functional Health

    Joanne learned to thrive despite living with multiple autoimmune diagnoses by adding Functional Medicine to her healthcare approach. Her own health transformation inspired her to empower others in search of a new approach to addressing autoimmune disease, taking charge of their health, and thriving despite their diagnosis.

    She completed the ReCODE training program designed specifically for health coaches and is now a facilitator for Apollo Health’s group coaching programs and a contributor to developing the new ReCODE 2.0 for Health Coaches training. Joanne is an NBC-HWC coach and a certified FMCA coach. She is also a Co-Founder of Thrive in 5, a marketing mentorship for health coaches which offers 15 CEUs for NBC-HWC recertification, co-author of the Simply Made Well Digital Cookbook, and a contributor to new projects and ebooks for HealthMeans. She offers individual and group programs, online or via phone, to help her clients make sustainable, positive diet and lifestyle changes that address their symptoms’ underlying causes. What she loves most is giving people hope and celebrating their progress and success along the way to living their best lives!

    Julie Luby

    Julie Luby

    ReCODE Certified Coach, Cogwell Coaching

    Julie Luby is a National Board-Certified Health Coach trained at the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. She founded Cogwell Coaching and has been coaching part-time in private practice for nearly four years.

    Julie is most passionate about working with people to prevent and reverse chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cognitive decline. She loves hearing her clients’ stories and helping them find unique ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes so that they can live healthier lives than their parents or older relatives who have suffered from chronic illnesses. With a history of Alzheimer’s Disease on both sides of her family, Julie is passionate about doing all she can to optimize her own health and to help others do the same. In addition to private practice, she is also coaching members of a Native American tribe to prevent and reverse diabetes in a beta program with 4D Health. With a group of health coaches, she recently published a digital cookbook: Simply Made Well: Wholesome recipes and lifestyle tips to nourish mind, body, and spirit.

    Joan Dickason

    Joan Dickason

    ReCODE Certified Coach, Crossroads Nutrition

    After a long career in Information Technology, Joan turned to Functional Medicine to rejuvenate herself and help her clients rebuild their health and resiliency through healthy aging programs.

    She’s a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach who trained at the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, where she also took the first Bredesen Protocol training for health coaches. Like a GPS system for wellness, she helps her clients assess where they are, create a future vision, and find many paths to get there, course correcting when necessary.

    Rosemary Benjamin

    Rosemary Benjamin

    ReCODE Certified Coach

    Rosemary P. Benjamin, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator Specialist, and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach certified in Dr. Dale Bredesen’s ReCODE protocol, is committed to serving clients and their families struggling with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

    She takes a new and refreshing approach to her coaching style, utilizing functional nutrition methods. The coaching journey always begins by evaluating the gut microbiome, for if digestion is not working properly, all other systems in the body are thrown off. She is an intentional listener and will coach her clients, utilizing their strengths and motivation to move into a space of a healthier lifestyle. In her spare time, Rosemary enjoys spending time with her husband and six grandchildren and Misha, her Rhodesian Ridgeback. She has seen the benefit in her life of exercise and meditative time every morning to start her day.

    Monica Tarr

    Monica Tarr

    ReCODE Certified Coach, Apollo Health, Restore & Renew

    For years, Monica suffered from crushing fatigue, brain fog, and the fear of succumbing to Alzheimer’s, as had her mom, aunts, and grandmother. After much research, she found The Bredesen Protocol and a supportive health care team.

    Working together, Monica found renewed energy, a sharp brain, hope, and happiness. And now, as an FMCA Certified Coach and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, she helps others adopt lifestyle changes that keep their bodies vibrant and their brains sharp.

    Marie Coburn

    Marie Coburn

    ReCODE Certified Coach

    In March 2017, Marie Coburn completed the Advanced Training in Reversing Cognitive Decline through the Institute of Functional Medicine with Dr. Bredesen and became one of the first health coaches to work with ReCODE clients. More recently she completed the ReCODE 2.0 Training for Coaches.

    At risk of Alzheimer’s herself, Marie followed research on Alzheimer’s disease for years before Dr. Bredesen’s work offered her new hope. She is deeply committed to being part of the end of Alzheimer’s for herself and for those who are working through Apollo Health to prevent or reverse cognitive decline. She is also a certified Qigong/Tai Chi instructor and has a special interest in neuroplasticity and positive psychology.


    Dr. Ann Hathaway

    Integrative Functional Medicine & Bioidentical Hormones

    Dr Ann Hathaway MD has been successfully treating women and men with bioidentical hormones and natural remedies since 1995. She is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and is a director of the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Board.

    As a board-certified Family Practice Medicine practitioner, she became disenchanted with traditional medicine’s approach to treatment, and set her focus on searching for underlying causes, striving for real solutions. Dr. Hathaway will be reviewing bioidentical hormones, sleep, and practicing ReCODE techniques in her training modules.  View Dr. Hathaway’s full bio here.

    Hans Frykman, MD, PhD

    Dr. Hans Frykman, MD, PhD

    Clinical Assistant Professor , The University of British Columbia, Chief Scientific Officer, Neurocode Labs

    Dr. Frykman is a laboratory physician with background in immunology, genetics, internal medicine, oncology, medicinal chemistry, mathematics, and clinical biochemistry. Interested in the development of highly complex and high impact tests in the areas of immunology and molecular genetics.


    Dr. Chris Shade, PhD

    Founder & CEO, Quicksilver Scientific

    Dr. Shade specializes in the biological, environmental, and analytical chemistry of mercury in all its forms and their interactions with sulfur compounds, particularly glutathione and its enzyme system. He is a subject matter expert on the topics of mercury, environmental toxicities, neuroinflammation, immune dysregulation, and the human detoxification system.

    Dr. Shade will focus on environmental detoxification and chemotoxins in his training modules. View Dr. Shade’s full bio here


    Dr. Scott Saunders

    President and Co-founder, Healthy Mouth Media

    Dr. Saunders practiced general dentistry and periodontal wellness before moving on to found Healthy Mouth Media as a means to “bridge the gap” between mainstream and cutting-edge research. Dr. Saunders and his partner and co-founder, Bonnie Benjamin, BSBA, host the yearly Functional Oral and Airway Health Summit, an event that highlights the importance of proper facial growth, airway health, proper breathing, sleep, and the importance of a healthy oral microbiome to prevent chronic diseases.

    Dr. Saunders will focus on dental and oral health, airway, breathing, sleep, and their impact on cognitive decline, and mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings. View Dr. Saunders’ full bio here.


    Chip Whitney, MD

    Family Physician, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Revolutionary Health Services

    Dr. Whitney is a Family Physician and founded Revolutionary Health Services (RHS) in 2004, and is currently on the speaker’s bureau of the Bale-Doneen Method of Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention, the program at the core of the RHS preventive cardiology approach. He is an author and keynote speaker in dentistry about the many oral-systemic associations, inspiring dental professionals to assume their role as a functional-integrative health professional. He was featured in the 2014 documentary movie, “Say Ahh, the Cavity in Healthcare Reform.”

    Dr. Whitney will focus on mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings, oral bacteria, arterial inflammation, and the science and impact of oral bacteria on Alzheimer’s. View Dr. Whitney’s full bio here.


    Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen

    Co-Founder, Chief Science Officer, Medical Director, IntellexxDNA

    Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen, has been using genomics for over a decade to deliver personalized medicine and help her patients achieve optimal health and wellness. As a researcher and clinician advocate, she recognized that information inaccuracies and complexity were barriers to entry for many.

    Dr. Hausman-Cohen will focus on Alzheimer’s and Cognition Genomics: ApoE and other gene variants.  View Dr. Hausman-Cohen’s full bio here


    Dr. Neil Nathan

    Founding Diplomat, American Board of Holistic Medicine

    Dr. Neil Nathan has been a Board-Certified Family Physician, and Founding Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine (now known as the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine). He started his 49 year medical career as a family physician, and found that other disciplines (some of which were already included in the scope of medical practice, and some of which were considered tangential) held the promise of providing useful answers for those patients who did not respond adequately to conventional medical care.

    Dr. Nathan will focus on biotoxins such as mold diagnosis, treatment, interpreting results, mold toxins in food, antifungal programs, testing your home, case studies, and detoxification.  In addition, he will discuss Lyme Disease. View Dr. Nathan’s full bio here.


    Dr. Cyrus Raji

    Chief Neuroimaging Science Advisor, Apollo Health

    Dr. Cyrus Raji joined the Neuroradiology faculty and the Neuroimaging Laboratories faculty as an Assistant Professor at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology in 2018.

    He has trained at prestigious institutions for both clinical medicine and research: M.D./Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh, Diagnostic Radiology Residency at UCLA, and National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Neuroradiology Fellowships at UCSF.

    Dr. Raji has coined the term “Preventive Neuroradiology” to detail the use of brain imaging biomarkers to understand the influence of lifestyle on overall brain health and future risk for Alzheimer’s. The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC have covered his scientific work in this area. His research has received the Radiological Society of North America’s (RSNA) Roentgen Award, and the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), RSNA, and the NIH have funded him. He was also a recipient of the 2017 American Society of Neuroradiology Boeger Award Grant for Alzheimer’s Imaging research. Dr. Raji will focus on volumetric MRIs. View Dr. Raji’s full bio here


    Julie Gregory

    Chief Health Liaison, Apollo Health

    Julie is among the many who have recovered their cognitive health using the Bredesen protocol. Sharing the knowledge she gained from reversing her cognitive decline, she’s collaborated with Dr. Bredesen and his integrative physician wife, Dr. Aida Lasheen Bredesen, to write the handbook portion of the New York Times bestseller “The End of Alzheimer’s Program”.  She’s the founder and president of the ApoE4.Info non-profit, a grassroots organization of ApoE4 carriers working to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease.

    Julie integrates her background in journalism, public relations, and counseling, with her passion for cognitive health to serve as a Bredesen protocol educator and Alzheimer’s activist.

    Julie will focus on The Bredesen Seven (B7) and the various components of implementing the protocol. You can view Julie’s full bio here.


    Dr. Heather Sandison, N.D.


    Dr. Sandison specializes in neurocognitive medicine and neurohacking. She has been trained to specifically address imbalances that affect the brain including Autism, ADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety and Alzheimer’s. She has trained with Drs. Dale Bredesen, Neil Nathan, Ritchie Shoemaker, and Bill Walsh, Ph.D., in addition to regularly attending and speaking at integrative medicine conferences throughout the year. Her healing philosophy centers around treating the cause of imbalances in the body including toxins, nutrients, stress, structure, and infections.

    She believes in the power of the body to heal itself. Dr. Sandison’s passion is to guide and support patients as they co-create strong foundations for optimal health through sustainable lifestyle changes and the best medical interventions to support balance in the body.

    Dr. Sandison is dedicated to learning all there is to know about brain health and considers her amazing patients at NCNM and residents at Marama some of her very best teachers. Dr. Sandison has been awarded a research grant to study the effects of individualized interventions on patients struggling with cognitive decline at NCNM.

    She earned her Naturopathic Doctorate at Bastyr University in Seattle. She currently serves on the medical advisory board of Neurohacker Collective, and is a regular host of the Collective Insights podcast.

    BrianKarrcircle-cropped copy

    Brian Karr

    Co-Founder We Inspect

    Brian Karr is a second-generation indoor environmental consultant who specializes in working with hypersensitive individuals with complex medical conditions. He has become a go-to mold & biotoxin resource for many medical practitioners across the country and has helped over 5,000 hypersensitive individuals nationwide. Karr is the Co-Founder of We Inspect and the creator of #moldfinders: METHOD, a digital training program developed for hypersensitive individuals and the doctors who treat them.

    The METHOD program teaches its students how to identify and remove mold and mycotoxins from their homes so they can get healthy again — without having to hire or get scammed by a local inspector.

    What happens when you complete the ReCODE 2.0 Training? 

    Once you have completed the full ReCODE 2.0 training program and answered all the quiz questions, our practitioner support group will verify your credentials and assist you with onboarding, so you appear in our trained practitioner database. You will receive a special designation in the database so that participants will see that you have completed the ReCODE 2.0 Training Program. Here are the steps to complete this process:

    1. To complete your verification, you will need to provide us with:
      • Proof of a License to practice (or equivalent) in your designated profession.
      • Proof of completion of the ReCODE 2.0 Training Program.
    2. Once your credentials have been verified, and we have some history of your practice and its success stories with PreCODE and/or ReCODE, you will receive a second designation that you are an Apollo Preferred Practitioner and will show up on the public-facing Practitioner / Coach Locator Tool database. Further details on the Apollo Preferred Practitioner designation will be forthcoming as we are in the process of finalizing the details.

    Ready to become a member of the Apollo Health community of Practitioners? Register below to begin your ReCODE 2.0 Training. If you have any questions, reach out to our training support team at

    Dr. Daniel LaPerriere, M.D. Testimonial


    “Being a Recode 2.0 provider has really helped my practice grow… it also offers a place to continue to learn and exchange ideas with practitioners… What we want to do is continue to improve what we provide so we can really make Alzheimer’s disease go away.”
