October 25, 2024
KetoFLEX 12/3 Kitchen: Struggling to Gain Weight?

It may be time to consider supplemental nutrition to increase your caloric intake. We’re not recommending Ensure, Boost, or other similar products because their ingredients are full of sugar and unhealthy oils. Instead, we’ve identified healthful formulas that can easily be incorporated into healthy, delicious KetoFLEX 12/3 recipes. See below for our nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory Green Power Smoothie for Weight Gain recipe.

Green Power Smoothie for
Weight Gain
If you struggle to keep weight on, this refreshing green, citrus smoothie is for you. It uses a supplemental nutrition formula chock-full of nutrient-dense calories. This ketogenic formula is perfectly suited for those who are also struggling with glycotoxicity, as it won’t spike your blood glucose. The ginger adds an anti-inflammatory digestive aid that will also provide a pleasant zing to your palate.
Yield: One or two servings, depending on caloric needs
• Please read Supplemental Nutrition Strategies to Gain Weight to ensure that this is the proper formula for you.
• If you are not using the whole recipe as a single serving, freeze the remainder in ice cube trays or a popsicle mold to enjoy later.
• For a thicker consistency, reduce the amount of non-dairy milk.
• 1 stalk of celery, USDA organic, chopped
• 1/2 cucumber, chopped
• 1 avocado
• 1 cup frozen kale or spinach, USDA organic
• Juice of 1 lemon plus zest, USDA organic
• 3 tbsp grated ginger
• 1 pouch Keto Formula by Functional Formularies
• 8 ounces non-dairy milk, unsweetened
• 1 cup ice cubes
1) Add the celery, cucumber, kale or spinach, lemon zest and juice, the pouch of Keto Formula, and the non-dairy milk, and blend.
2) Add in the avocado and ginger, blend, and add the ice until the desired consistency is achieved.