“We have been doing the Bredesen Protocol for two years. The protocol is complex and difficult to coordinate. This ReCODE+ Group Coaching would have been extremely helpful at the beginning with a mix of “veterans” and “rookies” to help us pull all this together. For me as both a caregiver and as a participant with cognitive issues, this program has (provided) much-needed support for me. I no longer feel alone and just the group support and sharing with others in similar situations has been a huge blessing. The mutual support from the group and the gracious coaching from Chris and Joan, has given my wife and me more hope and encouragement. Whether you are a listener and shy like my wife, or outgoing and talkative like me, you will benefit from this program. To me, it is the caregiver support that I didn’t even realize that I needed. It really helped me coordinate the pillars, trust my doctor’s recommendations, and gave me the courage to try new ideas. The various “study” topics applied directly to the protocol helped me personally – especially the meditation and habit forming lessons. I highly recommend it (and) my wife has made measurable progress since we started this program due to the accountability and fresh perspective.”

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